The second edition of the Europe Festival at the Schlass in Mamer was a great success.
A large number of visitors, including Finance Minister Gilles Roth, attended the cultural performances by the Greek, Ukrainian and Slovakian communities, the concerts by the Harmonie Gemeng Mamer and Audio Chill, or simply spent a pleasant moment in good company.
FC Mamer 32, the local Red Cross and food trucks provided the catering. The workshops organised by the Commission for Intercultural Living Together and the Commission for Social Inclusion were also very popular, as was the presentation of the services offered by the Maison Citoyenne.
As for the children, they were delighted to see a performance by the Bimbo Theater. The play put on by the Maison des Jeunes was also very popular.
For Mayor Luc Feller, accompanied by Alderman Ed Buchette and Alderwoman Francine Closener, the festival reflected much of what characterizes the Commune of Mamer: a dynamic mix of traditions, languages, cultural diversity and shared experiences.