Night Card application

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Prénom & Nom
Les données récoltées dans ce formulaire sont nécessaires au traitement de votre dossier par les services de l’Administration communale, et le cas échéant par ses sous-traitants. Elles sont traitées de manière loyale et transparente conformément au règlement général sur la protection des données (RGPD), et conservées la durée nécessaire à ce traitement ainsi qu’au délai d’archivage légal applicable.En cas de question au sujet du traitement des données personnelles, vous pouvez contacter le délégué à la protection des données (DPD) à l’adresse .

Request for an access card
Order bins

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First and last name
Indicate as marked on your identity document!
Order black garbage can (residual waste) 

Drain every 15 days

Price garbage can
Black garbage can
Order green garbage can (organic waste) 

Drain according to season

Price garbage can
Green garbage can
Order blue garbage can (paper / cardboard) 

Emptying once a month

Price garbage can
Blue garbage can
Yellow garbage can order (hollow glass) 

Emptying once a month

Price garbage can
Yellow garbage can
Garbage can types and purchase prices (overview)
Price garbage can
I hereby declare that I wish to order one or more garbage cans at the price(s) indicated. An invoice will be sent to you as soon as possible.
The data collected in this form is necessary for the processing of your file by the services of the Communal Administration, and if necessary by its subcontractors. It is processed fairly and transparently in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD), and kept for the duration necessary for this processing as well as the applicable legal archiving period. If you have any questions about the processing of personal data, you can contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) at .

Request for permanent stickers for residential parking

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Important information:

1. The number of permanent stickers is limited to three per household.
A 4th sticker may be issued on payment of an annual fee of €100.

2. Each sticker may bear 2 license plate numbers.
No single license plate number may appear on more than one sticker.


1. Vignette
2. Vignette
3. Vignette
Owner's full name
1st registration number
2nd registration number (optional)
Click or drag files to this area to upload.You can upload up to 5 files.


  • Permanent stickers are renewed automatically towards the end of the year.
  • Stickers are only valid in the commune of Mamer and only in the area indicated there.
  • For any changes, the old sticker must be returned to the commune with the necessary documents and information.
  • Lost or stolen stickers must be reported to the commune as soon as possible.
  • If you move or sell the vehicle shown on the sticker, it must be returned to the commune without delay.
  • For a rental/leasing car or a company car, a copy of the leasing or rental contract (private) issued in your name, or an employer's certificate of private use for a company car made available to you, must be enclosed.
The data collected in this form is necessary for the processing of your file by the services of the Communal Administration, and if necessary by its subcontractors. It is processed fairly and transparently in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD), and kept for the duration necessary for this processing as well as the applicable legal archiving period. If you have any questions about the processing of personal data, you can contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) at .

Request to obtain temporary stickers for residential parking

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hereby requests the issuance of residential parking stickers for the following vehicles


1. Vignette
2. Vignette
3. Vignette
Owner's full name
1st registration number
2nd registration number (optional)

Important information:

1. The application must be accompanied by a copy of the vehicle registration certificate (Zulassungsbescheinigung).2. In the case of a rental/leasing car, the rental contract must be attached to the application.3. No registration number may appear on more than one sticker.4. The number of stickers is limited to three per household. 

Click or drag files to this area to upload.You can upload up to 5 files.


  • The temporary sticker can be issued for a period of 1 to 6 months.
  • The temporary sticker issued for a car registered abroad is valid for a maximum of 6 months and cannot be extended.
  • Lost or stolen stickers must be reported to the commune as soon as possible.
  • If you move or sell the vehicle shown on the sticker, it must be returned to the commune without delay.
  • All forms relating to residential parking can be downloaded from our website or requested from the municipal administration.
The data collected in this form is necessary for the processing of your file by the services of the Communal Administration, and if necessary by its subcontractors. It is processed fairly and transparently in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD), and kept for the duration necessary for this processing as well as the applicable legal archiving period. If you have any questions about the processing of personal data, you can contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) at .

Request to obtain a "visitor" sticker

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  • A visitor's permit may be requested by residents of a sector subject to residential parking regulations, for the benefit of persons who are not residents of the municipality/sector in question, when these persons are staying with the applicant for an extended period within the framework of family relationships.
  • A maximum of 3 visitor stickers may be issued for a minimum period of 1 week per sticker, per household and per year. However, the maximum cumulative duration (of the 3 stickers) may not exceed 3 months per household per year.
  • For a rental/leasing car or a company car, a copy of the leasing or rental contract (private) issued in your name, or an employer's certificate of private use for a company car made available to you, must be enclosed.

hereby declares that

comes to stay with the


and therefore requests a "visitor" sticker for this period for the following vehicle:

Make / Model


Registration number
Click or drag files to this area to upload.You can upload up to 5 files.
The data collected in this form is necessary for the processing of your file by the services of the Communal Administration, and if necessary by its subcontractors. It is processed fairly and transparently in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD), and kept for the duration necessary for this processing as well as the applicable legal archiving period. If you have any questions about the processing of personal data, you can contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) at .

Request to obtain a 4th paid sticker for residential parking

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hereby requests the issuance of residential parking stickers for the following vehicles


1. Vignette
2. Vignette
3. Vignette
Owner's full name
1st registration number
2nd registration number (optional)


The issue and renewal of the fourth vignette are subject to payment of a chancellery fee of €100 per year.
(01.01. - 31.12.)
In the event of a new application during the calendar year, the fee due is calculated on a pro rata basis for the remaining quarters, with the quarter commencing on the date of application considered in its entirety for the purpose of calculating the fee.

Date of requestFee to be paid:
January - March100€
April - June75€
July - September50€
October - December25€

Payable at the Biergerzenter or by bank transfer

Bank accounts:

CCPLLULL LU43 1111 0085 0364 0000 CCRALULL LU21 0090 0000 3000 4634 BCEELULL LU86 0019 2801 0110 8000 BILLLULL LU29 0023 1530 8100 0000 BGLLULL LU21 0030 0343 0093 0000 Communication: sticker / registration number

Important information:

1. The application must be accompanied by a copy of the vehicle registration certificate (Zulassungsbescheinigung).

2. No registration number may appear on more than one sticker.

3. The vignette is issued after payment of the fee.

Click or drag files to this area to upload.You can upload up to 5 files.
The data collected in this form is necessary for the processing of your file by the services of the Communal Administration, and if necessary by its subcontractors. It is processed fairly and transparently in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD), and kept for the duration necessary for this processing as well as the applicable legal archiving period. If you have any questions about the processing of personal data, you can contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) at .

Dernière modification le 25.06.2024
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