SuperDrecksKëscht® fir Betriber
Quality label for the SuperDrecksKëscht® fir Betriber: environmentally friendly waste management

Since March 2020, the municipality of Mamer has been awarded the Label of the SuperDrecksKëscht® fir Betriber attesting to environmental management and quality management. The label is extended annually, following a new audit.
The SuperDrecksKëscht® fir Betriber label, awarded by the Administration de l’Environnement, the Chambre de Commerce and the Chambre des Métiers, is a recognised quality mark awarded to companies and municipalities that manage their waste in an environmentally- friendly manner.
In order to achieve these objectives, the following management tasks are being implemented:
- Raising employee awareness
- Preliminary assessment of environmental impacts
- Examination of environmental impacts
- Prevention of accidental emissions
- Measures to reduce emissions through recycling, recovery and waste disposal
- Minimisation of accidental releases
- Monitoring compliance with environmental policy
- Measures in the event of non-compliance with environmental policy
- Youth Centre in Mamer
- François Trausch Sports Complex in Mamer
- Maison Communale “Mamer Schlass” in Mamer
- Kinneksbond School Campus in Mamer
- Kinneksbond Relay House in Mamer
- Kinneksbond Cultural Centre in Mamer
- Nicolas Frantz Sports Hall in Mamer
- Management Service in Mamer
- Technical Service in Mamer
- School Campus in Capellen
- Relay House in Capellen
- Clubhaus Am Brill
- Gallery op der Kap
- Festival hall in Holzem
- Veräinshhaus Holzem
The implementation of the environmental policy must take into account the following aspects, among others:
- Waste prevention
- Preparation of waste for re-use
- Recycling and recovery instead of waste disposal
- Reducing environmental impact
- Energy management
- Reduced consumption of raw materials
The SuperDrecksKëscht® fir Betriber label is certified in accordance with the international standard ISO 14024:2000. This certification includes, among other things, the control procedure and the requirements to which the label is subject.