Mameranus asbl

Mameranus asbl has been in existence since 1982, and today manages two crèches: the Kannerstuff in Capellen, in a house provided by the Public Buildings Administration, and the Huesestuff in Holzem, in the former village school, provided by the Commune of Mamer.

The association is administered by a Board of Directors comprising at least 3 members, elected from among the full members.

The Kannerstuff crèche opened in 1982.
The crèche caters for children aged 2 months to 4 years (50 places), divided into 4 different age groups. Since 2020, children in the “Pumuckelen” and “Spillatelier” groups have been taking part in the “forest project”, and have the opportunity to visit the forest every day from Monday to Friday from 9am to 12pm.

The Huesestuff crèche opened in 2010. It caters for children aged 2 months to 4 years (38 places), divided into 3 different age groups.

Both crèches are approved by the French Ministry of Education, Childhood and Youth, and are members of FEDAS.

More information and registration on the website:


Mameranus asbl
2, rue de la gare
L-8325 Capellen
tel: 308 312-1

Crèche Kannerstuff

2, rue de la gare
L-8325 Capellen
tel: 308 312-1
email :

Crèche Huesestuff

12, rue de l’école
L-8278 Holzem
tel: 26 37 63
email :

Dernière modification le 31.08.2024
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