Awarding of diplomas and certificates from the UGDA School of Music

The Kinneksbond Cultural Centre was the venue for the ceremony to award the 2022/2023 diplomas and certificates to 120 music students from the Commune of Mamer who are studying at the UGDA’s Western School of Music.

Mayor Luc Feller, accompanied by Alderman Roger Negri, Alderwoman Francine Closener and members of the local council, spoke directly to the winners, describing it as a moment of pride and recognition for the efforts made by the students of the School of Music throughout the year.

He also said a big thank you to Georges Decker, who has devoted 20 years to the local organisation of the Mamer School of Music, where some 600 pupils are currently enrolled.

The new Music School building near the Kinneksbond Cultural Centre is due to open in September. Headmistress Micky Thein made no secret of the UGDA’s enthusiasm for this momentous occasion.

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