What is accessibility?

Everyone should be able to use and consult the information on a website easily, especially people with disabilities and/or who use assistive software or specialised equipment (blind people, partially sighted people or people with other disabilities).

Sample evaluated

The pages we considered were as follows:

  • Home page
  • Standard page
  • News page
  • Events page
  • Publications page
  • Contact page
  • Directory page

Content not accessible

  • Language changes are not declared on certain English or Luxembourgish terms, depending on the context of the content;
  • The content below does not comply with the law of May the 28th 2019 on the accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies and will not be corrected:
    • The links in the sub-menus of the main navigation are not accessible from the keyboard, but access to the pages contained in this sub-menu is possible from the various gateway pages;
    • Some links available in the footer or main menu contain a “font awesome” icon, which may be perceived as “empty” by some browsers. The impact on users is minimal, but we are working hard to correct this;
    • Some images do not have relevant alternative text. We are working hard to track and correct this;
    • • Some search functions offered by third-party WordPress plugins offer low contrast. We are working to correct these in a future update;
    • • In the directory, some text boxes have low contrast. We are working to correct this in a future update.

Exempted content

Some videos embedded in the pages will use a multimedia player which may include non-accessible functionalities. We endeavour to ensure that they are identifiable and do not contain any “traps”.
Some PDF files published before 1 January 2018 may contain content and layouts that are not accessible.
Interactive maps (we endeavour to ensure that they are identifiable and do not contain any “traps”).
The functionality of potential “new” WordPress plugins, as well as their updates, may not be fully accessible. That said, we strive to conduct frequent audits to ensure that all their features are accessible.

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