Integration and school reception service (SIA)
The Service de l’intégration et de l’accueil scolaire (SIA) is a one-stop shop set up to provide a systematic welcome for families newly arrived in Luxembourg. This one-stop shop, already in place at the Maison de l’orientation and which has proved its worth in assisting Ukrainian refugees, provides parents and pupils with information on Luxembourg’s educational provision, as well as on non-formal education and measures to help, assist, adapt and support them.
In addition, the one-stop shop offers:
- An analysis of the child’s situation: a record of learning achievements is drawn up, and the pupil’s individual situation is analyzed through tests, observations and interviews;
- Systematic care for each child, with a view to rapid integration into a regular class and personal development.
To take advantage of this SIA offer, please make an appointment:
Ministère de l’Education nationale, de l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse (MENJE)
Service de l’intégration et de l’accueil scolaire (SIA)
38, rue Philippe II
L-2340 Luxembourg
Tel: (+352) 247-75274
Please find enclosed IAT brochures in various languages: AR; CI ; EN ; ES ; EN ; PT ; RU ; Serbe ; Tigrigna ; Ukraine