What is the Night Rider?

The Night Rider is an individual night shuttle with no fixed times or stops. Upon request and prior reservation, it picks up its customers at their home and takes them to a location of their choice in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, on Fridays and Saturdays between 6pm and 5am.

This is a collective shuttle, which means that other passengers get on or off along the way. The Night Rider seldom takes direct routes, without making major detours.

How much does a transfer with the Mamer Night Card cost?

The cost of transfers for customers in possession of the Mamer Night Card is covered by the local authority, provided that the place of departure or destination is within the local authority (Mamer, Capellen, Holzem).

The annual price of the Night Card is:
– €25/year for citizens ≤ 26 years old;
– 50/year for citizens ≥ 27 years old.

How do I obtain a Night Card?

The Night Card can be obtained at the Biergercenter of the municipality of Mamer or by applying online.

How do I book a journey with the Night Card?

You can book your journey online here! or by telephone, on 900 71 010 (8am to 6pm, Friday and Saturday: 8am to 5am the following day).

To use the Night Rider free of charge, enter your Night Card code in the “Night Card” box on the booking form (the number is on the front of the card).

For further information, please visit the Night Rider website.

Request a Nightcard online


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Renewing a Nightcard

To renew your Night Card, please transfer the relevant amount to one of the following bank accounts, making sure to include the following information in your message
the Night Card number, surname and first name of the Night Card to be renewed:

  • €25/year for citizens ≤ 26 years old;
  • €50/year for citizens ≥ 27 years old.

Recette communale Mamer:
CCPLLULL LU43 1111 0085 0364 0000 BILLLULL LU29 0023 1530 8100 0000
BCEELULL LU86 0019 2801 0110 8000 BGLLLULL LU21 0030 0343 0093 0000
CCRALULL LU21 0090 0000 3000 4634

As soon as we receive your payment, we’ll send you an email confirming that your card has been reactivated for one year. Your personalised card and card number will remain unchanged.


Dernière modification le 19.06.2024
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